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Train your way without daily limits. Learn over 16,000 words with 242,000 questions on VocabTrainer™!

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Our detailed analysis pinpoints your vocabulary level and provides a personalized learning plan.

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VocabTrainer™ targets your specific word gaps to grow your vocabulary. Track your proficiency score as it grows over time.

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Subscribe to for personalized vocabulary training and in-depth insights to help you reach your goals.

Personalized learning.Proven results.

As you answer questions in VocabTrainer™, we pinpoint your vocabulary level and identify the unique gaps in your word knowledge. We curate your personalized learning plan and track your vocabulary growth with each question you answer.

Learners love

It's easy to grow my vocabulary without deciding which words to study. VocabTrainer™ adjusts as I learn more to introduce new words to my personal learning plan.

Shane Richardson

VocabTrainer™ asks multiple questions to make sure I learn all the different meanings of each word. The example sentences and memorable descriptions really help me understand what I'm learning.

Faith Simpson

As an English learner, my vocabulary report is great for seeing my current level in comparison to others. I love watching my score rise to show how many new words I've learned.

Naya Singh

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